*Pope Francis
Pope Francis officially approved a change to the most famous prayer in Christianity.
It's the prayer Jesus taught followers to pray and one of the few things that unites 2.2 billion Christians across the globe. But the Holy See's May 22 approval adjusting The Lord's Prayer, widely known among the faithful as the "Our Father," has been years in the making, UCatholic reported.
The Catholic leader changed the phrase "lead us not into temptation" to "do not let us fall into temptation," as mentioned in the gospel of Matthew 6:13, because the original translation implies that God induces temptation. The change, officials said, is closer to the original intent of the prayer.
"I am the one who falls; it’s not Him pushing me into temptation to then see how I have fallen," Francis explained to Italian broadcasters about the phrase change. "A father doesn't do that, a father helps you to get up immediately. It's Satan who leads us into temptation, that's his department."
According to Fox News religion correspondent, Jonathan Morris, Jesus didn't speak English so Church leaders are working on their best interpretation.
"He's saying the translation isn't good because God never makes us fall or never leads us into temptation. He actually allows us to be tempted, but we have to make a choice," Morris said, adding that Jesus originally spoke it in Aramaic before it was translated into Greek and other languages.
On social media, the pope's change has received praise for making sense but others have called it an abomination. One user said: "this is like changing the Declaration of Independence."
With Fox News report
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