Sunday 21 February 2016

The woman whose daughter's death led her to save others

Dorris Francis is known as the "traffic heroine" in Ghaziabad, a suburban area near the Indian capital Delhi.
Ms Francis is not a police officer but she manages traffic in the same spot day after day, on a busy intersection of roads.
The intersection has special significance for her - it is the same place her daughter Nikki died in an accident in 2010.
Ms Francis is confident and looks in complete control as she ensures the smooth and safe passage of traffic in the area.
"I know about her story, she works selflessly. I haven't seen many who have the courage like her. I don't know how she can come every day to the same spot where she lost her daughter," police constable Kumar Pal Singh, who is at the intersection, tells BBC News.

'She died, I survived'

Ms Francis still remembers the day when a speeding car hit the tuk-tuk in which she was travelling with her daughter.
"She died, I survived. I wish traffic was managed better that day," she tells the BBC.
Ms Francis managing trafficImage copyright Ankit Srinivas
Image caption People say they love Ms Francis for her selfless service
Ms Francis manages traffic at the intersection during peak morning and evening hoursImage copyright Ankit Srinivas
Image caption Ms Francis manages traffic at the intersection during peak morning and evening hours
Ms Francis with a picture of her daughter NikkiImage copyright Ankit Srinivas
Image caption She lost her daughter Nikki in a road accident in 2010
It's not difficult to understand the risk of accidents at this busy intersection because drivers looked reckless in the absence of any supervision.
But when Ms Francis is present, most drivers follow her instructions and the traffic looks orderly.
She even gets tough with them, sometimes even mildly whacking reckless pedestrians and drivers with a stick.
"It's been more than six years since I started. My mission was to save lives and not let any mother lose her daughter, husband or son. And that's what I have been doing and I will continue to do until I have strength in my body," she says.

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